
The Transition Property

The Transition Property

With the animate property, you define which properties should animate and to what value. How things should move — what you might call the ‘animation options’ — those you set with another property, transition.

An easing curve

When you move, rotate, or resize a motion component (animating physical properties), it will, by default, happen with a spring animation. However, you can select a different type. Here I picked one of the easing curves: "anticipate".

export function Example() {
    return (
            animate={{ rotate: 45, scale: 1.5 }}
            transition={{ ease: "anticipate", duration: 2 }}
The transition property – An easing curve
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It lets the div move back a little — in anticipation of what’s about to happen.

Easing curves like this one (tween curves) can also have a duration. I picked 2 seconds. When you omit duration, you’ll get the default value: 0.3 seconds.

Transition, transition, Tween, duration

Spring settings

Let’s go back to that default spring. You can adjust a bunch of its settings; one of which is the spring’s damping ratio. The lower the value (the default is 10), the more it will oscillate. Here I made it 3:

export function Example() {
    return (
            animate={{ scale: 1.5 }}
            transition={{ type: "spring", damping: 3 }}
The transition property – Spring settings
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Repeat and delay

Add a repeat value to make an animation run more than once. For instance, with a repeat of 2, the animation will run thrice (two extra after the initial one).

Or you set it to Infinity and have it repeat till the end of time (or until you close the CodeSandbox, whichever comes first).

export function Example() {
    return (
            animate={{ rotate: 360 }}
                ease: "linear",
                duration: 2,
                repeat: Infinity,
                delay: 1
The transition property – Repeat after a delay
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With delay, you add a pause before the start of the animation (also in seconds). It will only delay the beginning of the initial animation and not insert pauses between the repetitions.

I gave this animation a "linear" easing to get a steady rotation at a constant speed.

delay, repeat

Delay between repetitions

You can also add a pause between the repetitions of a repeat, with another setting: repeatDelay.

With the code below, the div will wait 1 second between every 2-second rotation:

export function Example() {
    return (
            animate={{ rotate: 360 }}
                duration: 2,
                repeat: Infinity,
                delay: 1,
                repeatDelay: 1
The transition property – Delay between repetitions
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repeatDelay works with all three repeat types (more about those next).


Repeat type and Bézier curves

Your animation can repeat in a few different ways. The default repeatType (in the former examples) is "loop": the animation will just start over. The other two, "mirror" and "reverse", make it go back and forth.

Repeat types
"loop"The default type. The animation simply runs again.
"mirror"Flips the from and to values. The animation runs forward, backward, then forward again, etc. (This was called flip in earlier versions.)
"reverse"Does the same but also reverses the animation curve. So when the animation starts slowly, the reverse animation will end slowly.

"reverse" was called yoyo in an earlier Framer Motion version, which was fitting, as you can see in this example:

export function Example() {
    return (
                width: 150,
                height: 150,
                borderRadius: 30,
                backgroundColor: "#fff",
                y: -90
            animate={{ y: 70, rotate: 360 }}
                delay: 1,
                duration: 2,
                ease: [0.075, 0.82, 0.165, 1],
                repeat: Infinity,
                repeatType: "reverse"
The transition property – Reverse animation with Bézier curve
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Bézier curves

Typically, you give ease one of the (11) predefined easing curves, like "anticipate", "easeOut", or "linear". But you can also give it an array with the four numbers that define a Bézier curve.

In this example, I used a stronger ease-out ([0.075, 0.82, 0.165, 1]) to make the yo-yo effect even more noticeable.

Repeating spring animations

Since changing to this new repeatType syntax (in Framer Motion 2.5), you can also repeat spring animations. Matt Perry posted this project as an example:

export default function App() {
    return (
            initial={{ x: -200 }}
            animate={{ x: 200 }}
                type: "spring",
                repeat: Infinity,
                repeatType: "mirror",
                repeatDelay: 0.1
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Transition settings per property

The transition property defines how all the properties will animate. However, you can override that global setting and provide distinct values for one or more properties, like here for rotate:

Example 1

export function Example() {
    return (
                y: 70,
                rotate: 360
                delay: 1,
                duration: 2,
                ease: [0.075, 0.82, 0.165, 1],
                repeat: Infinity,
                repeatType: "reverse",
                rotate: {
                    delay: 1,
                    duration: 2,
                    ease: "linear",
                    repeat: Infinity
The transition property – Separate transition values 1
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When defining separate transition settings for a property, the global values will be ignored. That’s why the rotate animation now defaults back to a repeat type of "loop" (and also why we need to give it the same 1-second delay and 2-second duration).

Example 2

In this second example, I added a spring animation to a smaller scale of 0.8. Again, the globally set values are ignored (repeat, repeatType, …), so this scale animation runs just once.

export function Example() {
    return (
                y: 70,
                rotate: 360,
                scale: 0.8
                delay: 1,
                duration: 2,
                ease: [0.075, 0.82, 0.165, 1],
                repeat: Infinity,
                repeatType: "reverse",
                rotate: {
                    delay: 1,
                    duration: 2,
                    ease: "linear",
                    repeat: Infinity
                scale: { delay: 1, type: "spring", damping: 3 }
The transition property – Separate Transition values 2
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Including transition settings

Let’s say you have a rotating box that you want to grow when you hover over it. You can use a whileHover for the hover animation (one of the gesture animations).

That code could look like this, a continuing rotate animation with a transition that makes it "linear", with a duration of 2 seconds and a repeat of Infinity.

export function Example() {
    return (
            animate={{ rotate: 360 }}
            transition={{ ease: "linear", duration: 2, repeat: Infinity }}
            whileHover={{ scale: 2 }}
The transition property – Including Transition settings – First try

And the whileHover doubles the size of the div. The only problem is: The whileHover animation is now also 2 seconds, and it also repeats.

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You can solve this by including the transition settings with an animation. Here I include the settings for the rotation inside animate so that the whileHover can fall back to its default settings.

export function Example() {
    return (
                rotate: 360,
                transition: { ease: "linear", duration: 3, repeat: Infinity }
            whileHover={{ scale: 2 }}
The transition property – Including Transition settings – Fixed
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Transition, transition

2 thoughts on “The Transition Property”

  1. jazimabbas87

    What’s the difference if I use transition inside animate object and transition outside animate ?
    This is what I am thinking right now: if I use transition outside animate object then it means this is global and it will affect all its animation. Correct me if I am wrong.

    1. Yes, that’s it. When you just put values in the transition property, it will affect all the animations (what’s in animate, gesture animations, exit animations, layout animations, etc.)

      To tweak a certain animation, you have two options: You add ‘transition’ to the animation itself, like here:

      export function Example() {
          return (
                      rotate: 360,
                      scale: 1.5,
                      transition: { ease: “linear”, duration: 3, repeat: Infinity }
                  whileHover={{ scale: 2 }}

      This transition is then applied to all the properties your animating: rotate and scale.

      Or you define inside the transition object how a certain property should animate, like here:

      export function Example() {
          return (
                  animate={{ rotate: 360, scale: 0.8 }}
                      ease: “anticipate”,
                      repeat: Infinity,
                      repeatType: “reverse”,
                      scale: { type: “spring”, damping: 3 }

      Here, scale will use a spring animation instead of the globally defined easing.

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