
22. Colors: Switching between states

22. Colors: Switching between states

Here the onHoverStart() and onHoverEnd() events flip an isHover state. This state, in turn, animates the box’s size and rotation and the background color.

⚡️ Some Examples – 22 – Colors: Switching between states

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export function Example() {
    const [isHover, setHover] = useState(false);

    return (
                width: "100vw",
                height: "100vh",
                backgroundColor: "#60f",
                display: "flex",
                placeItems: "center",
                placeContent: "center"
            animate={{ backgroundColor: isHover ? "#60f" : "#20a5f6" }}
            transition={{ duration: 0.5 }}
                    width: 150,
                    height: 150,
                    borderRadius: 30,
                    backgroundColor: "#fff"
                animate={{ scale: isHover ? 0.8 : 1, rotate: isHover ? 90 : 0 }}
                onHoverStart={() => setHover(true)}
                onHoverEnd={() => setHover(false)}

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