
25. Variants: Staggered animation

25. Variants: Staggered animation

As shown in the previous example, a child will automatically follow its parent’s animation (when using variants). You can orchestrate the delay between the parent and child animations with staggerChildren and delayChildren.

⚡️ Some Examples – 25 – Variants: Staggered animation
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export function Example() {
    const container = {
        hidden: { rotate: 90 },
        show: {
            rotate: 0,
            transition: { staggerChildren: 0.1, delayChildren: 0.3 }

    const itemA = {
        hidden: { scale: 0, top: 100 },
        show: { scale: 1, top: 30 }

    const itemB = {
        hidden: { scale: 0, top: 200 },
        show: { scale: 1, top: 80 }

    return (
                width: 150,
                height: 150,
                borderRadius: 30,
                backgroundColor: "#fff",
                position: "relative"
            <motion.div style={{ ...blobStyle, left: 30 }} variants={itemA} />
            <motion.div style={{ ...blobStyle, left: 80 }} variants={itemA} />
            <motion.div style={{ ...blobStyle, left: 30 }} variants={itemB} />
            <motion.div style={{ ...blobStyle, left: 80 }} variants={itemB} />

const blobStyle = {
    width: 40,
    height: 40,
    borderRadius: 75,
    backgroundColor: "#1d1ef0",
    position: "absolute"

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