Some Examples
- 17. SVG path length
- 18. Keyframes: Position and color
- 19. Keyframes: Morphing an SVG path
- 20. Colors: Keyframe animation
- 21. Colors: Interpolation
- 22. Colors: Switching between states
- 23. Tracking the cursor
- 24. Variants: Animation propagation
- 25. Variants: Staggered animation
- 26. Cycling parent and child variants
- 27. SVG gradient animation
- 28. Animate Presence
- 29. Animate Presence: Stack 3D
- 30. Layout animation
- 31. Swapping elements
- 32. Swipe to delete
The Main Properties
Gesture Animations
- Keyframes example
- A simpler example
- Two properties simultaneously
- Inserting a pause
- Adjusting timing with times
- Fast start, slow ending
- Different easings
Animation Types
Exit Animations
- Conditional rendering
- Animate presence
- Multiple children
- Same div, different key
- Wait a bit
- Canceling the initial mount animation
- Pop layout
- onExitComplete()
- Rotating rotateY with an adjusted originZ
- Dynamic variants
Cycling through states
- Basic use
- Animation
- Animating more properties
- Cycling to a specific value
- Cycling between variants
- Cycling parent and child variants
Layout animations
Motion Values
Manual Controls
SVG Animations
- The basics
- <ul> or <ol>
- No list style
- A horizontal list
- Adding and removing items
- Making only a part of the item draggable
- A scrollable list
- Client-side routing
- Page transitions with Animate Presence
- React Router example
- Adding page transitions
- Some more examples
Animatable Properties
- Overview table
- Setting some initial
- Dimensions and position
- Transform
- Opacity
- Background
- Border
- Border radius
- Shadow
- Text
- Filters